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Top domain name stories in July

5 August 2024 at 12:16

Take a summer vacation last month? Here are some of the stories you might have missed. These were the top stories on Domain Name Wire last month, ranked by views. 1. DNS company files antitrust lawsuit against GoDaddy – A company that assists people with changing their DNS records alleges that GoDaddy has unfairly blocked […]

Post link: Top domain name stories in July

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We grassed up .TOP, says free abuse outfit

18 July 2024 at 13:36

A community-run URL β€œblacklist” project has claimed credit for the complaints that led to .TOP Registry getting hit by an ICANN Compliance action earlier this week. .TOP was told on Tuesday that it has a month to sort of its abuse-handing procedures or risk losing the .top gTLD, which has over three million domains. ICANN […]

The post We grassed up .TOP, says free abuse outfit first appeared on Domain Incite.

First registry gets breach notice over new abuse rules

17 July 2024 at 07:54

.TOP Registry allegedly ignored reports about phishing attacks and has become the first ICANN contracted party to get put on the naughty step over DNS abuse rules that came into effect a few months ago. ICANN has issued a public breach notice claiming that the registry, which runs .top, has also been ignoring the results […]

The post First registry gets breach notice over new abuse rules first appeared on Domain Incite.

ICANN sends breach notice to .top domain name registry

16 July 2024 at 22:13

Fourth-largest new top level domain registry is in the dog house. ICANN has sent a breach notice (pdf) to .TOP Registry, the company behind the .top top level domain name. The breach notice says .top has failed to comply with Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) requests, does not have a proper process for handling DNS abuse […]

Post link: ICANN sends breach notice to .top domain name registry

Β© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

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