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βœ‡Domain Incite

Investing in .ad domains may be risky

By: Kevin Murphy β€”

Domain investors may shoulder additional risk when they register domains in the relaunching .ad TLD, judging by the registry’s new cybersquatting policy. Andorra Telecom, which will make .ad names generally available globally October 22, has signed up with WIPO to implement an adapted version of the UDRP that is a lot less friendly to domainers. […]

The post Investing in .ad domains may be risky first appeared on Domain Incite.

βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Dot-brand top level domains will be different in the next new TLD round

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Applicants in the next round will come armed with plans to use them (I hope). I got an alert today of another dot-brand top level domain name owner pulling the plug on its domain name. Dabur, a company that sells Ayurveda (traditional medicine in India) products, decided to cancel its .dabur domain name. Oddly, the […]

Post link: Dot-brand top level domains will be different in the next new TLD round

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