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✇Domain Incite

Verisign agrees to .com takedown rules

By: Kevin Murphy

Verisign has agreed to take down abusive .com domains under the next version of its registry contract with ICANN. The proposed deal, published for public comment yesterday, could have financial implications for the entire domain industry, but it also contains a range of changes covering the technical management of .com. Key among them is the […]

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✇Domain Incite

Investing in .ad domains may be risky

By: Kevin Murphy

Domain investors may shoulder additional risk when they register domains in the relaunching .ad TLD, judging by the registry’s new cybersquatting policy. Andorra Telecom, which will make .ad names generally available globally October 22, has signed up with WIPO to implement an adapted version of the UDRP that is a lot less friendly to domainers. […]

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✇Domain Incite

Plurals ban policy handed to ICANN board

By: Kevin Murphy

The GNSO Council has approved a blanket ban on singular and plural versions of the same word being delegated as gTLDs in future and passed it to the ICANN board of directors for final consideration. The proposed policy would prevent anyone applying for the singular/plural equivalent of an existing gTLD, and would put future applications […]

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✇Domain Incite

Former .co registry defeated in $350 million contract fix case

By: Kevin Murphy

The Neustar spin-off that once operated the .co TLD reportedly has lost a case against the Colombian government in which it had sought $350 million in damages over the acrimonious renewal of its registry contract. According to local reports, the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, part of the World Bank, last week […]

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✇Domain Incite

ICANN gunning for Tencent over abuse claims

By: Kevin Murphy

ICANN Compliance is taking on one of the world’s largest technology companies over claims that a registrar it owns turns a blind eye to DNS abuse and phishing. The Org has published a breach of contract notice against a Singapore registrar called Aceville Pte Ltd, which does business as DNSPod and is owned by and […]

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✇Domain Incite

All the one-character .sk domains to be auctioned

By: Kevin Murphy

SK-NIC, part of Team Internet, says it plans to auction off all 36 single-character .sk domains over the coming months. The auction plans also include releasing all the 200-odd two-letter domains that match existing ccTLDs, as well as .com.sk and .net.sk, which have all been registry-reserved to date. The registry said it plans to hold […]

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✇Domain Incite

Straggler gTLD signs first ICANN contract for years

By: Kevin Murphy

One of the outstanding contested gTLDs from the 2012 application round looks set to be delegated finally, after the winning bidder signed its Registry Agreement with ICANN. Merck Registry Holdings Inc is now the officially contracted registry for .merck, and it appears the intent is to be a dot-brand jointly controlled by two unaffiliated chemical […]

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✇Domain Name Wire

Domain investor sues Rob Monster and old Epik over $1 million+ missing funds

By: Andrew Allemann

Investor still hasn’t been paid back. A domain name investor has sued Rob Monster, the old Epik entity, and Masterbucks LLC, alleging the parties owe him over $1 million. Luigi Marruso filed the lawsuit (pdf) in U.S. District Court in the Western District of Washington last week. He alleges that the parties ran an escrow […]

Post link: Domain investor sues Rob Monster and old Epik over $1 million+ missing funds

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

✇Domain Incite

ICANN to “strengthen” harassment rules as it picks another homophobic meeting host

By: Kevin Murphy

ICANN has revealed it is to “strengthen” its anti-harassment policy, but the announcement came the same day as it picked another public meeting host country where being gay can lead to jail time. “The Board Anti-Harassment Working Group has recently worked to evaluate and strengthen the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy,” chair Tripti Sinha posted over […]

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✇Domain Incite

Squarespace gets sweetened $7.2 billion takeover offer

By: Kevin Murphy

Squarespace looks set to be acquired by private equity firm Permira in a sweetened cash deal valuing the registrar at about $7.2 billion. The new $46.50 per share offer is an improvement over Permira’s initial May offer of $44 and represents a 36.4% premium over Squarespace’s share price the day before the takeover way announced. […]

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✇Domain Incite

Russia calls for ICANN to split from US

By: Kevin Murphy

The Russian government has called on ICANN to further distance itself from US legal jurisdiction, complaining that the current war-related sanctions could prevent its companies from applying for new gTLDs. In recent comments, Russia said that “no single state or group of states should have the right to interfere in the operation of critical Internet […]

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✇Domain Name Wire

Two personal name cybersquatting claims result in reverse domain name hijacking

By: Andrew Allemann

Domain investors successfully defend UDRP cases with the help of well-known domain attorneys. Czech Arbitration Court published two reverse domain name hijacking decisions today. Both cases involved personal name domains owned by domain name investors. Schwanhäußer Industrie Holding GmbH & Co.KG, which owns a biking accessories company called Gonso, filed a dispute against gonso.com. The […]

Post link: Two personal name cybersquatting claims result in reverse domain name hijacking

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

✇Domain Name Wire

Outside Interactive sues to get outside.com

By: Andrew Allemann

Company tried to get the domain name via UDRP over 15 years ago. Outside Interactive, a sports and outdoor media company, has sued the owner of outside.com in an effort to get the domain name. It’s the company’s second attempt to acquire the domain through legal means. In 2006, the company’s predecessor-in-interest filed a cybersquatting […]

Post link: Outside Interactive sues to get outside.com

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

✇Domain Incite

Chinese registrars back in trouble after porn UDRP suspension

By: Kevin Murphy

A collection of six registrars in the XZ.com stable are back on the ICANN naughty step, facing more Compliance action just a couple of years after a sister company was suspended over UDRP failures. ICANN has published breach notices against DotMedia and five other registrars under common ownership, claiming that they are failing to send […]

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✇Domain Incite

Four more dot-brands switch back-ends

By: Kevin Murphy

Four dot-brand gTLDs have recently changed their back-end providers, according to the latest records, three moving away from Verisign. US insurance company American Family Insurance has moved its .americanfamily and .amfam from Verisign to GoDaddy, as has AARP, a US interest group representing retired people, with .aarp. Aquarelle.com Group, a French flower delivery company, has […]

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✇Domain Incite

Uzbekistan gets its first ICANN registrar

By: Kevin Murphy

A registrar in Uzbekistan has become the first in the country to receive its official ICANN accreditation, according to the latest records. Tashkent-based Suvan.net, which does business as @host.uz (ahost.uz), currently specializes in the local .uz ccTLD, where it appears to be the leading registrar by some margin. The company already sells gTLD domains too, […]

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✇Domain Incite

Almost 100,000 .tr domains registered in one day

By: Kevin Murphy

Türkiye’s ccTLD has seen a massive spike in registrations, experiencing instant growth of about 8%, at the end of its year-long second-level liberalization process. The .tr space had 1,187,324 domains at the end of yesterday, according to stats published by government-run registry Trabis, up about 91,000 on the previous day. That’s more that four time’s […]

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✇Domain Name Wire

Radix sets record for premium domain revenue

By: Andrew Allemann

First half continues upward trajectory for premium domain revenue. Radix has published its premium domains report for the first half of 2024, and it was the best half the registry has ever had when it comes to premium domain sales. The company reported $5.16 million in retail revenue from premium domains. That’s up from $4.8 […]

Post link: Radix sets record for premium domain revenue

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

✇Domain Incite

ICA finally comments on .com pricing talks

By: Kevin Murphy

With the latest public debate about whether Verisign is ripping off registrants with its .com pricing now into its third month, one voice has been conspicuously absent. But the Internet Commerce Association, which represents domain investors and domaining registrars, has now publicly called for .com wholesale fees to continue to be capped and Verisign’s profit […]

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