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βœ‡Domain Name Wire

The Dan.com to Afternic migration is a bit of a mess

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Despite the description, you don’t have control over how your listings migrate. I previously wrote about how I was opting out of the Dan.com-to-Afternic migration. I stopped using Dan.com a while ago and list everything at Afternic, so I didn’t think it made sense to migrate. But I went ahead and downloaded my data from […]

Post link: The Dan.com to Afternic migration is a bit of a mess

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βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Dan.com account migration is now available

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Users have four weeks to decide what to do with their Dan.com account. Dan.com users can now migrate their accounts to Afternic as part of Dan’s sunsetting. After logging in, users will see β€œMigration Center” on the left panel in their dashboard. Clicking on this brings up a dashboard with three options: self-migrate now, auto-migrate […]

Post link: Dan.com account migration is now available

Β© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Afternic launches new lander that replaces Dan.com lander

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Lease-to-own option now available on GoDaddy-branded lander. Afternic has launched a new landing page option that replaces the Dan.com lander while adding additional features. Called the Custom Lander, it allows domain sellers to offer lease-to-own transactions on a GoDaddy-branded lander (and URL) for the first time. It looks very similar to the old Dan.com lander […]

Post link: Afternic launches new lander that replaces Dan.com lander

Β© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

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