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βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Amazon launches .deal and .now top level domains

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

The company, which has been slow to launch its domains, is finally rolling out two more. Amazon is finally launching a couple more of its top level domain names. About eight years after ICANN delegated .deal and .now, the company opened the domains in Sunrise today. Trademark holders will be able to register the domains […]

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βœ‡Domain Incite

Amazon to launch two new gTLDs this month

By: Kevin Murphy β€”

Amazon Registry is to finally launch two of the gTLDs it has been sitting on for the best part of a decade. The company expects to take .deal and .now to sunrise later this month, with general availability following in September. According to information provided by ICANN, sunrise for both runs for a month from […]

The post Amazon to launch two new gTLDs this month first appeared on Domain Incite.

βœ‡Domain Incite

Amazon and Google among .internal TLD ban backers

By: Kevin Murphy β€”

Google and Amazon have publicly backed ICANN’s plan to reserve the top-level domain .internal for private behind-the-firewall uses.

ICANN picked the string β€œinternal” as the one that it will promise to never delegate to the DNS root, allowing network administrators and software developers to confidently use it with a lower risk of data leakage should the TLD come under a registry’s control in future.

The public comment period over its choice is coming to a close tomorrow, with a generally supportive vibe coming from the 30-odd comments submitted so far.

Notably, tech giants Amazon and Google have both filed comments backing .internal, with both companies saying that they already use the TLD extensively for internal purposes (Google in its Cloud services) and that to allow it to be delegated in future would cause big problems.

Some commenters niggled that .internal is too long, and that something like .local or .lan, both already reserved, might be better. Others wondered why strings such as .corp or .home, which are already effectively banned due to the high risk of name collisions, were not chosen instead.

The post Amazon and Google among .internal TLD ban backers first appeared on Domain Incite.

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