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βœ‡Domain Name Wire

How domain registrars have increased .com prices

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

While some domain registrars have increased prices faster than wholesale increases, robust competition means consumers can still register and renew domains for close to the wholesale cost. One of Verisign’s (NASDAQ: VRSN) defenses to increasing .com prices is that β€œunregulated” domain registrars set the price people actually pay for domains β€” and many of those […]

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βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Latest .com data: GoDaddy down, Gname up

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Digging into the latest data about the .com namespace. ICANN has published the latest data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) covering the .com namespace. The data covers March 2024. A few things stand out in this month’s report: GoDaddy registered over 100,000 fewer .com domains this March than last March. It has 1.2 million fewer .com […]

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