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βœ‡Domain Incite

Russia calls for ICANN to split from US

By: Kevin Murphy β€”

The Russian government has called on ICANN to further distance itself from US legal jurisdiction, complaining that the current war-related sanctions could prevent its companies from applying for new gTLDs. In recent comments, Russia said that β€œno single state or group of states should have the right to interfere in the operation of critical Internet […]

The post Russia calls for ICANN to split from US first appeared on Domain Incite.

βœ‡Domain Name Wire

Russia says .aero domains were unfairly suspended

By: Andrew Allemann β€”

Russia is asking ICANN to intervene after it says the .aero registry unfairly suspended domain registration for organizations in the Russian Federation. .Aero is a sponsored top level domain operated by SITA Information Networking Computing USA, Inc. Andrea Zhinov, Russia’s GAC representative to ICANN, wrote to ICANN on behalf of the Ministry of Digital Development, […]

Post link: Russia says .aero domains were unfairly suspended

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