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How domain registrars have increased .com prices

20 August 2024 at 08:45

While some domain registrars have increased prices faster than wholesale increases, robust competition means consumers can still register and renew domains for close to the wholesale cost. One of Verisign’s (NASDAQ: VRSN) defenses to increasing .com prices is that “unregulated” domain registrars set the price people actually pay for domains — and many of those […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Verisign begins marketing push to retain .com price increases

13 August 2024 at 13:40

Company publishes blog post to dispell what it calls myths that people are spreading about the company’s operation of the .com registry. Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) has publicly begun rebutting those who think .com prices should be reduced or frozen. Pat Kane, senior vice president of Verisign’s naming and registry services, published a blog post today […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Verisign lowers guidance again after domains shrink in Q2

26 July 2024 at 08:03

Company now expects domain base to drop by 2.0-3.0 million this year. Verisign has lowered its forecast for the year after domain registrations disappointed again in Q2. The company ended the quarter with 170.6 million .com and .net domain name registrations, a drop of 1.8 million over the quarter. The domain base is down 2.2% […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Republican lawmakers open inquiry into Verisign’s .com contract

25 July 2024 at 11:27

Three Republican lawmakers have opened an inquiry into Verisign’s (NASDAQ: VRSN) contract to run the .com domain name registry. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Bob Latta (R-OH), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) sent a letter (pdf) to the National […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Latest .com data: GoDaddy down, Gname up

24 July 2024 at 11:12

Digging into the latest data about the .com namespace. ICANN has published the latest data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) covering the .com namespace. The data covers March 2024. A few things stand out in this month’s report: GoDaddy registered over 100,000 fewer .com domains this March than last March. It has 1.2 million fewer .com […]

Post link: Latest .com data: GoDaddy down, Gname up

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Economic termites – DNW Podcast #492

8 July 2024 at 10:30

Why this group thinks Verisign shouldn’t be able to raise the price of .com domains. Last month, a consortium of advocacy groups asked the US government to take action against the .com contract with Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN). On today’s show, Matt Stoller, research director for American Ecomomic Liberties Project and author of The BIG Newsletter, […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Verisign: you can’t cancel our contract to run .com

28 June 2024 at 18:20

Verisign responds to letter from advocacy groups. Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) today filed a notice with the SEC stating that the .com contract cannot be put out to competitive bidding. The company was responding to a letter sent by American Economic Liberties Project and other advocacy groups asking the U.S. government to terminate the agreement and […]

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© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

Groups ask US government to take down Verisign “cartel”

27 June 2024 at 11:07

Trio of advocacy groups asks government to halt renewal of .com agreement with Verisign. Calling Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) a “cartel” and “economic termite,” a consortium of three advocacy groups has asked the U.S. government to halt the renewal of Verisign’s contract to run .com. American Economic Liberties Project, Revolving Door Project, and Demand Progress Education […]

Post link: Groups ask US government to take down Verisign “cartel”

© DomainNameWire.com 2024. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact editor (at) domainnamewire.com. Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.

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